Masterclass Overview

    1. About Kim

    2. Audio Hello from Kim

    3. Audio Transcript Hello From Kim

    4. Male & Female Masterclass Outcomes and Goals

    1. Tool And Supplies - What To Buy

    2. Example Of The Work Station Set Up

    1. Going It Alone

    2. Audio Getting Clients In

    3. Audio Transcript Getting Clients In

    4. How To Get Clients In And Keep Them Coming Back

    1. Let's Talk About The Various Wax Types That You Can Use

    2. Which Wax Type For Each Body Part

    3. Kim Lawless Products and Discount

    1. Knowing Your Contra-Indications From Your Contra-Actions

    2. Audio Client Record Cards And Insurance

    3. Audio Transcript Client Record Cards And Insurance

    4. Client Record Cards And Insurance

    1. Audio Working Clean

    2. Audio Transcript Working Clean

    3. Working Clean

    4. Tips For Safe And Clean Waxing

    5. How To Deep Clean Your Wax Pot

    6. Video Cleaning Your Wax Pot

Masterclass Overview

  • £149.00
  • 65 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content
  • Online Masterclass

Masterclass Outcomes and Goals

Our Course Accreditation & Insurance Partners are ABT, Associated Beauty Therapists.  

This Masterclass Is Intended To

Help you become the ‘Go to’ waxer in your town and to help you enhance or change your career. Or, create a side hustle that will make you enough money to change your life.

Course Goal

Inside this in-depth Masterclass, you’ll learn the true foundation of waxing, plus the most in-depth secrets that you won’t learn on any other course. I’m going to share with you my many years of experience of running my own waxing business and developing my own techniques.  I’m the only trainer that’s developed their own unique techniques, with students travelling from around the world to be trained by me.

I’ll Teach You

How to wax with both HOT wax and STRIP wax

How to wax men and women (if you want to)

How to wax safely and hygienically  

How to wax efficiently, saving time and money

How to deal with clients

How to give good value for money

How to get into the right mindset to run a successful waxing business

How to be a true professional

How to make money

Promises and Benefits

I’ll give you an all-round knowledge of waxing in the real world.  All too often courses show how everything goes right, but I'll teach you not only how to GET it right, but I'll talk about what can go wrong and how to rectify it.


I’ll teach you confidence and skill…your two superpowers.  

After you’ve completed your training and practised, you’ll be ready to start your career as a waxer.   

I taught myself on the job and learnt by my mistakes.   This course is going to save you all that time and worry because I’ve done it for you, so you’ll be leaps and bounds ahead of the game before you even book in your first client.

Each lesson is guided and explained by me to the smallest detail to maximise your learning potential.

Something to consider

Some of the most amazing waxers that I’ve trained on my face-to-face classes had never picked up a spatula before, and I truly believe that my techniques and the way that I teach will give you a step up in starting or enhancing your career as an expert waxer.

As a professional waxer, you need to be able to wax every single body part. You don’t have to wax both men and women, but the opportunity is there.

One of the biggest problems I see in the training world is too much theory that’s outdated and irrelevant. There’s not enough focus on the waxing itself and the practical side of running a business.

Online training is the way forward, because many people find the logistics, the cost of travelling, and staying away from home overnight too difficult.  Well now, you’re going to have access to my training from the comfort of your own home.

There’ll be audios to listen to, detailed written step-by-step guides, training modules and of course, up close videos of my waxing techniques.  All by me.

There’ll be the theory side of waxing too and the practical stuff like, how to complete a client record card, how to clean your wax pots.   It’s all there for you to watch, read and listen to, over and over again.

I’ll teach you to wax with ease and confidence, knowing that you’re not going to hurt your client or leave loads of hair behind.

Whether you work from home, rent a room, or you’re a salon owner, my techniques will raise your profile and earn you money.  After all, that's why we work.

I’m here to make sure that you master my method in no time and I’m only an email away if you have any questions during your training.


Why I think that you’ll learn more on my Masterclass than anywhere else

I’ve trained thousands of people in my twenty years as a waxing trainer with my own school and teaching my own techniques.  Not to mention the thousands of men and women that I’ve waxed in my waxing business.


Don't take my word for it!   

Check around online and see what colleges and other trainers are charging and what they're offering. Check out their years of experience as a waxing trainer.  Do they teach generic waxing that you can learn on TikTok for free, or have they developed their own intimate waxing techniques as I've done.  Ask them who they trained with in intimate waxing and ask to see their certificate. You might be surprised.

The reason I’ve priced my Masterclass so low

I want to give you a chance to change your life with the income that waxing can bring, the way that it changed mine.  

I really do hope you think my training is right for you. Hope to see you there!

Love always,

  • Video & Audio Lessons

    Watch and listen to your heart's content!

  • PDF Guides

    Jeez, I do go on! PDFs coming out your ears

  • Work At Your Own Pace

    Chill! You have a whole year to complete this course and take the optional exam